Brompton Oratory Christening photos | Victoria and Family

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Brompton Oratory Christening photos

When you’re only a few months old, you don’t really take much notice of where your christening ceremony happens. For Victoria’s parents and friends however the ideal place was the spectacular surroundings of London’s Brompton Oratory. Victoria’s older brother Carlos was baptised here too.

The Oratory is one of London’s premier Roman Catholic churches, built in the late 19th century. Until Westminster Cathedral was built in 1909 it was London’s largest Catholic church. If you’ve ever been to Rome you’ll recognise the Italian Renaissance style of its architecture. It’s also famous for its choirs, both the adult professional choir and the junior choir from the associated London Oratory School.

During the Cold War it also became slightly infamous through its use as a “dead letter” drop location for messages by spies and their Soviet handlers!

Anyway enough history. 🙂

I arrived early so as to take some photos of the magnificent interior of the church, and also of Victoria and her parents, family, friends and godparents arriving. Then we did a few photos in the garden area at the side of the church before the ceremony began.

Baptism in St. Patrick’s Chapel

Father John Fordham conducted the baptism with great dignity, beginning on the steps outside before moving inside to St. Patrick’s Chapel where baptism ceremonies at the Oratory are held.

Victoria’s godparents Rafa and Kaye each gave a reading, and we then moved to the side-room where the font is located for the baptism itself.

Once the ceremony concluded, Carlos was excited to be able to blow out the baptismal candle! Victoria’s mum Margarita took a moment to pray with both Victoria and Carlos in the Lady Chapel.

Then to finish my coverage, family and friends gathered outside for some group photos.

It was a great pleasure to photograph Victoria’s christening. Here is a selection of my photos from the happy event:

Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London exterior Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London interior Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London chapel interior guests chatting before christening service at Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London godfather holding goddaughter at Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London godparents holding baby at christening Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London Brompton Oratory christening photos godmother with baby proud mother holdys baby before christening ceremony at Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London Brompton Oratory christening photos parents and child arrive Catholic priest blesses child at christening ceremony Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London Catholic priest baptises child at christening ceremony Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London godfather holding candle at christening ceremony Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London Catholic priest blesses baby after christening ceremony Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London mother and children kneel in prayer Lady Chapel Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London family group photo on steps of Brompton Oratory Knightsbridge London after christening ceremony

Brompton Oratory Christening photos