Guildford engagement shoot | Charlotte & Tom
On of the things I like to arrange with my wedding couples is to do a quick pre-wedding practice photo shoot – it gives them a chance to dispel any nerves they might feel about being in front of the camera before the big day, and I get to know them better and find out their likes and dislikes, photographically speaking. It only takes 40 minutes or so, and is usually good fun!
We’d been trying to fix a date for this with Charlotte & Tom for a few weeks – but first we had that spell of cold weather, then our diaries didn’t match up; finally we set a date for a morning shoot at Guildford Castle, and it rained! So we ended up rescheduling the shoot for last Wednesday evening at sunset. All good, except I forgot that the Council lock the gates to the Castle grounds at 6.45pm!
As it turned out that didn’t really matter – we had a green open space right next to the castle to work with, and I also used the entrance to the Tunsgate shopping mall which has steps and a walkway and a very cool carved and painted brick wall to use as a background. One of the things you learn pretty quickly as a professional photographer is to adapt to any situation you find yourself in, and make the most of it…
Thanks to Tom and Charlotte for being good sports – I was really happy with the way the photos turned out – see what you think!
Thanks again to Tom and Charlotte – I’m looking forward to their wedding at Guildford Cathedral in May!