Family portrait photo sessions can be easy and quick!

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I was looking through my archives the other day and I came across this photo session – and it got me thinking about why many people don’t have professional photos of their family…

I think there is a perception that having a professional portrait session is going to be a long and tedious affair, with a lot of standing about and feeling awkward while being posed endlessly by the photographer. Nothing could be further from the truth, as I hope these images show…

This family came to me for a session at short notice – they just wanted a few photos with their new-born son. We did the session very quickly and easily – I think it was only about 20-30 minutes from start to finish, and the pictures were taken outdoors in a courtyard just using a few spots of shade and the available light, no complicated studio lighting or backdrops or props.

I enjoy working quickly like this – it makes the whole thing more spontaneous, nobody gets bored, and the expressions are much more natural and relaxed. And one of my most important skills as a photographer, almost more important than knowing how to operate the camera or find the best light, is helping you relax and feel comfortable.

Of course if you want a longer session, perhaps in a couple of different locations, that’s not a problem – but my point is that having a professional family photo shoot doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience – it can be quick and fun, and it will give you some image to treasure for a lifetime. Just imagine how valuable these photos will be to him in 20 or 30 years’ time when this baby is grown up…

family portrait with small baby

portrait of parents holding new-born son

parents enjoying a family portrait session with their baby son

professional portrait of mother smiling at her baby son

parents holding their baby in their arms - family photo shoot

closeup of baby's feet

father holding his baby's hand

father holds his baby's hand in his

A family portrait session costs from £75, and can be arranged for a time and place convenient to you – give me a ring on 01483 600412 and we can chat about the possibilities!