Guildford Castle wedding photos | Ewelina & Spencer

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Guildford Castle wedding photos | Ewelina & Spencer

Sometimes I am booked by clients months, even years in advance, sometimes I get a call at the last minute – either way I am happy to help – so when Spencer called me to see if I could photograph his Guildford wedding to Ewelina in a couple of days’ time I said “Sure, no problem!”.

The ceremony took place at Guildford Register Office on Portsmouth Road, with close family and friends in attendance. We took a few photos in the garden at the Register Office then drove back into Guildford and headed for the grounds of Guildford Castle…

Guildford Castle wedding photos

Luckily the threatened rain held off and we were able to do the family group photos and then some pictures with just Ewelina and Spencer around the castle grounds. The castle itself wasn’t open, but that didn’t matter as there is a stone-built passageway in the gardens which provides some great textures and background. It’s a location I often use for engagement or portrait shoots but I hadn’t used it for a wedding session before so that was fun. Guildford Castle gardens offer lots of good locations for photography. The gardens are usually not busy so we can find places to shoot that don’t disturb anyone else.

As the weather was overcast I used my flash on a light-stand to provide some dramatic lighting. Natural light photography is great but sometimes you need to add some light, either to balance the daylight or to add some “pizazz”.

After the photos we walked down the High Street to Bill’s Restaurant where the whole party had their celebration meal.

It was a very relaxed and enjoyable wedding to shoot – I wish Ewelina and Spencer all the best for their future together!

Here are a selection of their Guildford wedding stills – enjoy!

wedding at Guildford register office Artington House

guests and wedding rings Guildford wedding

kids with wedding bouquets

entrance of the bride Artington House register office wedding Guildford

wedding ceremony Guildford register office

coupl ekiss at wedding in Guildford

signing the register and confetti registry office wedding

bride and groom portraits Artington House

wedding group photo Guildford Castle gardens

family wedding photos Guidlford Castle

bride and groom Guildford Castle wedding photos

bride and groom silhouette Guildford Castle

bride and groom embrace flash photo Guildford Castle Chris Mann

bridal portrait Guildford Castle wedding photos

bride portrait black and white Guildford Castle

portraits of the groom at Guildford Castle by Chris Mann


bride with flower girls walking Guildford High Street

wedding reception Bill's Restaurant Guildford

wedding reception Bill's Restaurant Guildford

bride and groom toast Bill's restaurant Guildford

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