A couple of weeks ago I was up in Birmingham for a commercial job, and as I was at a loose end the evening before the shoot I decided to go for a wander around the City Centre.
I spent four years living in Birmingham as a student, and really enjoyed my time there, but haven’t been back for many years, so I was curious to see how the city had changed. As it happens, I didn’t get very far, because the whole of New Street and Victoria Square was jam-packed with people – the annual Christmas Market was in residence, and you could hardly move!
For the past 12 years the Market has been held in conjunction with Birmingham’s twin city Frankfurt in Germany, and most of the stalls have a German flavour – literally, with bratwurst, gluhwein, pretzels and other delicacies on sale. It’s now the largest Christmas market in the country, and well worth a visit – as long as you don’t mind crowds!
Of course I had my Fuji X100 with me, so here are a few photos…